To make changes to your ETN Wallet details, we are required by law to have verified the identity of the person making the request.
For minor changes (like spelling mistakes or abbreviations) the support team may be able to update the details in some circumstances, with supporting evidence.
If you have not yet uploaded your KYC documents to your ETN Wallet, please create a support ticket with the details and the support team will review and get back to you.
If you have uploaded your KYC documents to your ETN Wallet and the details of your documents don't match the details on your ETN Wallet, a KYC reviewer will reach out to you directly through the Resolution Centre.
If your details can be updated, additional documents will be requested via the Resolution Centre.
Please Note: If you have entered completely incorrect information and can thus not legally identify yourself as the owner, we are bound by KYC regulations and as such will not be able to make any changes.
Require further help?
Join the Electroneum Discord server.
Alternatively, send a request to the Support Team and one of the team will respond within 5 days.
Follow the ETN-Network on social media for updates and announcements on Facebook and X.