As part of Project Aurelius, from the 4th of March 2024, we no longer provide an offline wallet generator, and this feature has been removed from our website.
We do apologize for any inconvenience.
If you do hold ETN in an existing offline wallet, you are still able to withdraw from it but will not be able to use it again once the withdrawal has taken place.
If you would like a wallet to store ETN, there are many different providers that you can use to generate a wallet.
This will also give you access to the smart contract functions of the new blockchain.
If you use a third-party wallet provider you should ensure to do your own due diligence and make sure you are comfortable with the process and you trust the provider.
Require further help?
Join the Electroneum Discord server.
Alternatively, send a request to the Support Team and one of the team will respond within 5 days.
Follow the ETN-Network on social media for updates and announcements on Facebook and X.